• Hello my name is Destiny Quitevis I’ll keep it short and sweet, the truth HRC saved me and helped me get off the streets off Salinas which we all know its not the safest place. I truly appreciate the staff and especially my workers Danny and Violet they never judged me on my past they were both their when I needed to talk and vent and times I cried to them thinking if I’m ever going to find a steady place with their help and advice I did it I’m grateful for HRC and staff for making that happen. Truly from the heart! Thank you
  • I wanted to say thank you for all your help during the process your efficient approach helped a lot and does not go unnoticed. Thank you
  • Greetings and salutation, May this missive you all in the best life has to offer. I would to first like to thank all those who have aided/assisted me in achieving my goal of finding a wonderful and beautiful home for me and my family, I sincerely do appreciate Ana and Espie from Housing Resource Center who had a hand in helping me wealth the storm and over come my homelessness,. My thanks goes beyond just those on the front lines but too those behind the scenes as well, from day one you all welcome me with open arms and made me feel comfortable with your resources and assistance in getting to homes giving me patients when hit a roadblock in our search for a wonderful home. I cannot tell you just how grateful I am with my new place. Furthermore I want to say the 3 homes we went to see over in Gonzales, King city, Prunedale before the final one in Seaside were in fact lovely and welcoming, nonetheless your serves and present help me through it all, helping me understand your serves but aid me in my presentation in meeting homeowners. Once again thank you for helping and guiding me throughout my journey. February 28, 2024
  • I never thought I would be able to write this. Being in a situation that feels as though it could never happen, and coming through it, feels incredible. I could have done it by myself. I was at a place where I needed community, and HRC, especially Ana and Espie have done for my family what a community service is for. In 9 months and 12days, my family went from houseless and separated to a home together again. Ana, in her kindness and thoughtfulness, offered me places that suited my vision for what i needed and wanted for my family. Espie, in her compassion and professionalism, ensured my family had what we needed and what would prepare us for our transition back into living on our own. Between the two, I feel as if I am able to rejoin community in a way that leads to feeling my own dignity as a person, as mother, and a person in reach of changing our lives for the greater purpose. Without the services of HRC, Ana, and Espie, I would have had a harder time getting back on my feet. I would have had a harder time believing that I can achieve greater than the I had previously imagined. Thank you all for everything,   “Remember: you’re a fountain not a cup.”
  • HRC has been such an amazing program to work with. The program itself is great. The staff is even more amazing. I had a few more days left in the shelter and I was stressing on whether I would find stable housing. Thanks to Ana and her great thinking. She somehow convinced me to get Face book, so I did.. If it wasn’t for her telling me this I would’ve never found the home I currently reside in. Ana played a huge part in finding housing. I am forever grateful to her. Valarie has also been a big help financially. She is so easy to talk to and is very good at her job. Takes her time explaining what’s to come. Thank you Ana, Valarie and HRC for the help you guys have provided my family.
  • Hello my name is Patricia and I came a long way to be able to write this letter. I was homeless for a year living out motel rooms eventually going to R.U. while the housing authority had my application for housing refusing to help me even though I am 100% disabled with four kids with mental disabilities also. If Juanita Ruvalcaba and Eliza Acosta hadn’t pulled my file by the grace of god I would still be homeless these 2 women helped me and my family become stable and safe without them god only knows what could have happened with me being sick and needing surgeries. They are true angels.
  • My name is Jaqueline Gutierrez and HRC helped find a home for me and my daughter it was a great feeling and a easy process with the help of my workers Ana and Espie and also the whole staff was very kind and welcoming and helpful very understanding they helped me pay my deposit I am very grateful without them this wouldn’t have happened to us the way it did we are very blessed and thankful.
  • I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and dedication to the HRC. Your contributions have been valuable to my two girls and I, and I am grateful for all that you do. Specifically, I want to recognize outstanding work Susana, Mattie and Ana. Your leadership and attention to detail have been instrumental in achieving my goals. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed, I want to publicly acknowledge your efforts. I encourage you to keep up the excellent work, and continue to support others who need a chance a push like me. I am a 23 year old single mother my oldest daughter is 7 and my youngest is 5 if it wasn’t for the HRC me and my two kids would be homeless but thanks to the organization. I’m able to budget more, achieve my goals and better my family future. Once again, thank you for all that you do. I appreciate your hard work.
  • I want to thank Ana and Mattie and HRC. I have been put on permanent disability due to my neck and back. I’ve been working from age of 14 till last year in July 2023. I can no longer take care of the elderly or people with disabilities as Certified Nurse Assistant. I was told I need neck surgery but I have custody of my 9 year old granddaughter who was unfortunately born under the influence and needs all my attention due to some medical issues she has. Being a CNA I know the consequences/outcome that can happen when having the procedures done. I don’t want to change being paralyzed. I’ve been stressing for a year trying to makes things work. Paying my rent has been so hard. I’ve used my credit cards. At 90% and at a stage 3 when it hits 5 I should be approved. I finally got a referral to meet with HRC and was blessed to have such nice understanding workers like Ana and Mattie. I don’t know how to thank them enough for the help. They have helped me so much to have a roof over my granddaughter and my head. I have been going through so much stress and without any money. I very much appreciated it from the top and bottom of my heart for HRC, Ana and Matti. I very much appreciated you all. Thank you very much
  • Greetings and salutation, May this missive you all in the best life has to offer. I would to first like to thank all those who have aided/assisted me in achieving my goal of finding a wonderful and beautiful home for me and my family,I sincerely do appreciate Ana and Espie from Housing Resource Center who had a hand in helping me wealth the storm and over come my homelessness,.My thanks goes beyond just those on the front lines but too those behind the scenes as well, from day one you all welcome me with open arms and made me feel comfortable with your resources and assistance in getting to homes giving me patients when hit a roadblock in our search for a wonderful home. I can not tell you just how grateful I am with my new place. Furthermore I want to say the 3 homes we went to see over in Gonzales, King city, Prunedale before the final one in Seaside were in fact lovely and welcoming, nonetheless your serves and present help me through it all, helping me understand your serves but aid me in my presentation in meeting homeowners. Once again thank you for helping and guiding me throughout my journey.
  • I do not even know where to begin. 2023 was one of the hardest years of my life. After going through an unexpected divorce I found myself in a situation I had no control over, and I have 4 kids to take care of. I was forced to move out of my home as a result of the divorce on September 31st. Weeks leading up to the move I found myself in the office at Social Services, I had no other option. I was unable to work full time because I do have a child with special needs. Everything was so overwhelming at the time, in the process of a divorce, part time employment, no savings, and no where to live. I was referred to HRC by my FSP worker, Alice. My children and I stayed in a hotel for months, everyday for hours I was searching for housing and searching for full time employment. Alice was rooting me on and never let me give up hope, she pushed me and encouraged me the entire time. I also had the support of Dafne, I applied to many places, and kept getting the same response “sorry we have gone with someone else”, Dafne was there to help cheer me up after hearing no over and over. She motivated me and encouraged me to keep going, the perfect home was waiting for me. After securing full time employment Dafne found my children and I the cutest most unexpected home, it’s absolutely perfect. My children and I are so happy living there. Finding a home for my children 10 days before Christmas was the best gift I ever gave them! I can never put into words how thankful I am for the support I received from my FSP worker and Dafne. It was a long hard journey, and I was in a situation I never ever expected, I am truly thankful for this program and having an amazing support system. I have no idea where I would be without HRC. Thank you so much!
  • My story begins when I became homeless in Jan 2017. I went through a domestic violence issue & lost everything in my life. I have lived in my car, on peoples couches, and once in a while when I could afford renting a room. I finally received my housing voucher but it was going to expire & I was going to loose my chance at a place again. It wasn’t until Jan 2024 when I got contact with HRC. My Case Manager Espie & Housing Specialist Violet were very helpful & stayed in constant communication. They helped me become an advocate for myself and push to get my place. On Feb 15 2024 I got my place for my son & I. I never thought I was going to get here again. I am forever grateful to HRC, Espie & Violet for helping me through this journey because without this program I would not be here. Thank you again. Desiree & Adam
  • My name is Anabel Figueroa, I have recently been helped by the Housing Resources. I am writing to inform that thanks to them I was able to get my new place quicker with the help the ladies. I really thank you guys for helping my family with having a stable place to stay. May God bless you guys infinitly. I will recommend this program to anyone. Once again, thank you!
  • Greetings, I'm Jaqueline, a single mother of two children, Erick and Sofia. My family has benefited financially from the program, but more significantly, the staff has been incredibly kind and helpful. The living circumstances of my family have been difficult for the past year. My family and I now have the option to have a place to go thanks to the program. Most importantly, it relieved me of some of my financial burden. My family and I are appreciative of the opportunity to participate in the program. With the assistance I've received, I've been able to concentrate on my studies and most importantly have a secure place to return home at the end of the day.
  • I do not even know where to begin. 2023 was one of the hardest years of my life. After going through an unexpected divorce I found myself in a situation I had no control over, and I have 4 kids to take care of. I was forced to move out of my home as a result of the divorce on September 31st. Weeks leading up to the move I found myself in the office at Social Services, I had no other option. I was unable to work full time because I do have a child with special needs. Everything was so overwhelming at the time, in the process of a divorce, part time employment, no savings, and no where to live. I was referred to HRC by my FSP worker, Alice. My children and I stayed in a hotel for months, everyday for hours I was searching for housing and searching for full time employment. Alice was rooting me on and never let me give up hope, she pushed me and encouraged me the entire time. I also had the support of Dafne, I applied to many places, and kept getting the same response “sorry we have gone with someone else”, Dafne was there to help cheer me up after hearing no over and over. She motivated me and encouraged me to keep going, the perfect home was waiting for me. After securing full time employment Dafne found my children and I the cutest most unexpected home, it’s absolutely perfect. My children and I are so happy living there. Finding a home for my children 10 days before Christmas was the best gift I ever gave them! I can never put into words how thankful I am for the support I received from my FSP worker and Dafne. It was a long hard journey, and I was in a situation I never ever expected, I am truly thankful for this program and having an amazing support system. I have no idea where I would be without HRC. Thank you so much!
  • Becoming homeless isnt planned it isnt like you wake up one morning, and “I’m going homeless”. This journey was unexpected It started when myself and my family were removed from our home. Due to an unexpected illness that impacted the way we were living so we were off. After leaving our home I moved my family to the hotels you could imagine the stress of having to figure out how you are going to make ends meet provide food for your family, work, meet with workers and do housing searches. Luckily my girlfriend was able to provide support by helping with the search and watching over our 2 kids. Which lets be honest isnt easy a 8 year old and a 4 year old in a small room is like a stray bird in closed environment Kaotic. Plus there eating machines and with the cost of food now in days really is dents the pocket. Doesn’t help that my family suffers from celiac disease which means they can’t have wheats oats early and malt, which makes the food extra expensive.

    Living in hotels isnt easy from not being able to cook your own meals to the expense is hard. Luckily God never left our side and gave us opportunities, provided us with the HRC Housing Resource Center. They not only assisted with hotel finances they provided us with security deposit, first months rent, assistance in speaking to property managements and some home essentials and decor. Me and my family are extremely grateful that the Housing Resource Center were able to assist us as soon as possible. We were working against the clock, due to the fact that our voucher would expire in a couple of weeks. They worked non stop The HRC is a amazing program that does a lot to assist those in need

    Thank you so much from me and my family


    The Valenzuelas

  • This is my story

    Before being referred to housing resource center I was living at Pueblo Del Mar and before that, I was in Residential Rehab at Door to Hope. I will always be so grateful to these three programs that helped me out so much. I was living in the streets and in a domestic violence relationship and too top it off I had a heroinaddiction. Housing Resource Center Helped me and my Son and my Doggie, find a home of our own. Housing Resource center staff ( Juanita Rubalcava) and (Carisma Gonzales ) went above and beyond their jobs and let me talk about the issues in my life. My housing Coordinators encouraged me to speak about my problems and they listened to me.

    They both opened space in their hearts for me, I NOW feel SAFE in my home.

    I want to thank Housing Resource center for all the help you gave to me and my son. This program really works, and they are here to help. You just got to put your part too.

    From a very blessed, sober, Happy Client,

    Abigail Negrete Jimmy and Cleo --

  • While pregnant, my ex-spouse chose to no longer desire our marriage or our child on the way. This sudden change left me homeless and without income.

    A few months after having my son, he started experiencing regression to his development. Leaving us to focus on his health and receive numerous therapies throughout the week. He was diagnosed with Autism and non-verbal. My son needing high support and constant care; I had trouble retaining housing for us. We were on a waitlist for housing since he was an infant.

    Through the housing resource center, we are able to call a place home. I can not express enough gratitude and joy to this next

    chapter in our lives. Thank you.

  • My success story Success is a blooming rose. It’s a process of having faith with hard work, chance, and sometimes help from others who want to see you succeed. I spent most of my life living on family members' couches. I never pictured myself in my own home. I have gone through a lot in my life as I am a domestic violence child survivor. At the age of 21, I became a single parent, and the same day my son was born my brother was diagnosed with cancer. I was going through it mentally, especially when my brother passed away in 2016 then my son also being diagnosed with autism and ODD I stopped working to care for my son full-time. I also started school last year to be a special education, educator inspired by my son and his virtual learning. In summary with everything I’ve been through and endured I never thought I’d make it here now sitting on my own kitchen table in my apartment to write a success story. My success story is thanks to the HRC and my workers Espie & Ana who worked hard to help me and my son get a place we now call home for this I am forever grateful. I know my brother is shining down on me proud.
  • Hey Violet it’s Matea. Here is my testimony and a thank you for everything!

    When I first heard about HRC I was struggling to find any housing in the Monterey area because of my past. I made bad personal and financial decisions that followed me everywhere I went and NO ONE was willing to rent to me because of my poor credit. I had great work history and no evictions but not nearly enough income or good enough credit to find a simple studio or one bedroom apartment. It was demoralizing and depressing.

    But then I learned that I could qualify for a program through government funding of Prop 47 and The Housing Resource Center. I had two amazing case managers, Violet and Deonna who helped me with monthly goals both personal and financial and paid for my temporary housing at a local hotel while together we looked for a landlord who would be willing to accept me. With the program, I was able to to come to a landlord with the promise that HRC would pay my rent on my behalf for an entire year while I saved money and got back on my feet! I couldn’t believe there was something like this available!

    Within 2 months I found a great 1 bedroom apartment and with Violet and Deonna’s help I was able to move in 2 weeks later. HRC even helped deliver a brand new bed and supplied movers to move my stuff from storage into my new place. Everything from begining to end was easy, inspiring and with Violet and Deonna’s help I grew more confident in my own ability. I literly have another chance at becoming the woman I always knew I could be and I thank the stars above for this program. I don’t know where I’d be or what would’ve happened to me or my family without this program. Thank you HRC, from the bottom of my heart.

  • Dear Carisma & Espie, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for finding me a place where, I can call home. You support meant a lot and we are do thankful. You guys work so hard to find the perfect place. It was a difficult begging but at the end we were able to overcome any obstacle. Thank you for having patience with me and understanding me. I’m very grateful for every thing that you guys were able to do its more than enough. From giving me a bed, kitchen appliances bathroom towels. Ones again a big thank you for everything I’m very happy to have my house.   Sincerely Monica Martinez
  • Before I got into Sun Street Centers I was drinking and homeless and didn’t know how I was going to pick myself back up. I was beginning to lose hope because all of the rehabilitation centers and homeless shelters in my county were telling me that they were all filled up with no beds available. Then Sun Street Centers answered and they were willing to take me in. At first, I was very hesitant to turn myself into a rehabilitation center because I was afraid that I was going to just waste my time by doing the program and then after I graduate just end up right back in my homeless situation and most likely that would lead to me drinking again. I was then notified by a job that I applied for that they were going to hire me and my thinking process was to take the job, be homeless, save up, and then get back on my feet from there. I was going to take the job and go that route but I just couldn’t trust myself. I knew that my urge to drink was too powerful at that time and I would never get out of that situation, so as much I didn’t want to, I chose to go to Sun Street Centers because it was the right thing to do and I needed discipline. Once I got into Sun Street Centers counselors started talking to me about Prop. 47 and how, after successful completion of the program, it helps you with housing and pays for your rent for a year. I was so relieved when I found out about this because my fears of just being left back out on the streets after graduating the program were gone and I actually had a path to look forward to. Fast forward to today, I have completed the entire program and currently have my own place. HRC has been so helpful with the entire process from the start. They contacted me about a place that was available because it lined up with the location of where I wanted to live. From there, the entire process was so quick and so smooth. Everything from the paperwork to them transporting me to my new place. I hate asking for help but HRC has gone above and beyond to making sure my move in transition was smooth. They’ve helped me out with things that I thought I was going to have to pay for myself such as a bed, pillows and blankets, towels, and even a tv which was very unexpected. Sun Street Centers, Prop. 47, and HRC saved my life. They have sparked a new life in me and have given me an opportunity to get back on my feet and I feel so motivated. I’m so thankful for all of the help I’ve received and words are not enough to express my gratitude.

    — Joshua Jimenez

  • Hi, my name is Anna Garcia, and this is my success story. I am a single parent with three amazing kids. Back in 2019 when Covid first came into our country I stopped working as a paraprofessional at a school district that I had been in for over 5 years. I was on a waitlist for childcare services and my son was two at the time so childcare would have taken most of my paycheck so I decided to find a job that fit and I can take him with me however that is not so easy to do. When Covid got bad enough to shut down schools and childcares I was so scared of what would happen if I got Covid with other risks factors in my health at the time, I worried I wouldn’t make it. I relied on Unemployment, but it would take them months to pay me. I lost my home and everything I worked so hard for.

    For the past two years my family and I struggled tremendously. We had to stay with friends and sometimes in our car. I can’t tell you how hard it is as a mother to see that you can’t provide a home for your children when they deserve all that the world has to offer. I asked for help, and I was given a chance to restart a new journey. HRC helped me find a place and I am given the opportunity to have a home for my family. The two women I would call my angels Espie Hinojos and Eliza Costa helped me abundantly by putting in lots of time and energy to get to where I am today. The incentives that were given to me like a bed for my boy, a new table, and beautiful sofas, the program offered so much more than I could have ever imagined, and I will be forever grateful for the help that HRC has given to me and my family. I thank you for everything.

    — Anna Garcia

  • Having to move at a time where my family was not financially set up for a move and still recovering from the financial hit during covid was extremely stressful. I was referred to the Housing Resource Center and was able to get housed in a very short time. Espie and Cynthia from HRC are wonderful they cared and helped and treated me like more than just a client. I am extremely grateful for them and all the sponsors that donate to make it possible to have these kind of resources. Not only were they able to help pay for a deposit and first month rent but they also helped me with furniture and other essential things that I could not have afforded at a time of move. If it wasn’t for the Housing Resource Center my family could have easily become homeless.

    — Guadalupe Lopez

  • Before I got into Sun Street Centers I was drinking and homeless and didn’t know how I was going to pick myself back up. I was beginning to lose hope because all of the rehabilitation centers and homeless shelters in my county were telling me that they were all filled up with no beds available. Then Sun Street Centers answered and they were willing to take me in. At first, I was very hesitant to turn myself into a rehabilitation center because I was afraid that I was going to just waste my time by doing the program and then after I graduate just end up right back in my homeless situation and most likely that would lead to me drinking again. I was then notified by a job that I applied for that they were going to hire me and my thinking process was to take the job, be homeless, save up, and then get back on my feet from there. I was going to take the job and go that route but I just couldn’t trust myself. I knew that my urge to drink was too powerful at that time and I would never get out of that situation, so as much I didn’t want to, I chose to go to Sun Street Centers because it was the right thing to do and I needed discipline. Once I got into Sun Street Centers counselors started talking to me about Prop. 47 and how, after successful completion of the program, it helps you with housing and pays for your rent for a year. I was so relieved when I found out about this because my fears of just being left back out on the streets after graduating the program were gone and I actually had a path to look forward to. Fast forward to today, I have completed the entire program and currently have my own place. HRC has been so helpful with the entire process from the start. They contacted me about a place that was available because it lined up with the location of where I wanted to live. From there, the entire process was so quick and so smooth. Everything from the paperwork to them transporting me to my new place. I hate asking for help but HRC has gone above and beyond to making sure my move in transition was smooth. They’ve helped me out with things that I thought I was going to have to pay for myself such as a bed, pillows and blankets, towels, and even a tv which was very unexpected. Sun Street Centers, Prop. 47, and HRC saved my life. They have sparked a new life in me and have given me an opportunity to get back on my feet and I feel so motivated. I’m so thankful for all of the help I’ve received and words are not enough to express my gratitude.
  • "I just recently went through a wonderful drug rehabilitation program at Sun Street in King City. One of the things that made my story a success is the wonderful folks I was put in touch with at the HRC - Housing Resource Center… Violet and Deonna were some of the nicest and most patient people I have ever met. The HRC program put me up in a hotel for the given 5 weeks and then we were able to extend my hotel stay even further until I found suitable housing. They were able to help me with so many of the frustrations that go along with moving eg. a storage unit and a u-haul truck for moving…The first year after you recover from drugs is crucial to the overall success of the program. Violet and Deonna always took the time to take the time to answer my phone calls no matter how small or insignificant they turned out to be wonderful. My daughter, and my grandson are now living happily ever after!!"
  • To: Housing Resource Center of Monterey County
    I cannot begin to express the gratitude I have for the generous assistance I've received from your Prop 47 program. I was in a very dark place earlier this year, deep in addiction and living in the wreckage caused by my poor choices. I didn't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I was in a relationship full of domestic violence, physically and emotionally, fueled by addiction to Fentynal and Methamphetamines, I didn't think I would ever get out. I was convinced if I left I would be all alone, and homeless at that.
    Once I decided that I was going to fight, I reached out to the only people I had left in my corner, my family.  Realizing that I had finally hit my bottom, they answered the call and brought me out here to Northern California. I had no plans, but I had the willingness to take suggestions and do whatever needed to be done. I completed treatment at Sun Street Centers in King City, and was told that I qualified for a program that would ensure that I would have a roof over my head. I was reluctant to believe it, but I was open to my Higher Power leading the way.
    Once I met with HRC, they went above and beyond my expectations. Violet and Deonna we're always responsive when I had questions and they went out of their way to make sure I was successful in my recovery. They were able to help me with services that I wasn't even aware were available such as housing assistance, security deposit, gas vouchers and furniture. I'm finally able to be financially independent without having to rely on my family for once. I don't have enough words to describe the gratitude I have for this program. Thank you Violet, Deonna and HRC for always being so responsive and willing to go the extra mile to make sure my recovery is successful, and that Im free from homelessness, abuse and addiction.
    Jennifer Gaba - Dewegeli
  • Hello my name is Edward, and the staff from housing resources helped me out so much. I was at the lowest point in my life resorting in me seeking treatment for alcoholism at the Sun Street Center's in King City. Now that I completed the rehabilitation, Violet and Deonna put me on a better path to ensure my housing situation to which they helped me get housing. So I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart at housing resources for getting me the necessary tools needed to succeed in life.
  • My name is Vanessa and my family was homeless for 9 months. My spouse, myself and my 4 kids would stay where we could, hotels, motels, family members couches and floors, in and out of our van. Times were hard and the struggle was real. Finally we had gotten the call from HRC that we were at the top of the list. I worked with Matilde case manager and Violet Orozco was my housing specialist. We worked on budgeting and the realization of expenses and any debt. We worked as a team and searched for places. I have a family of 6 so it was challenging finding something in my budget and the right size to accommodate all family members. I found a place listed by the owner on Zillow and let my housing specialist know right away. She reached out and explained the program to the home owner who was immediately interested on being involved with an agency like HRC. She wanted to meet my spouse and I. She let me know when signing the lease that something just felt right about everything. I was relieved and so ecstatic because this meant we would finally have a roof over our head. HRC figured out a plan that would assist us partially for a certain amount of time. Shortly after moving in I obtained a full time permanent position with the Monterey County Department of Social Services. I truly feel that with the support and encouragement of my CWES case manager Yvette Irwin and Alice Garcia and my HRC case manager and housing specialist on top of my hard work and dedication got me to where I am today. I appreciate everything HRC; our kitchen table, kids beds, our bed, household items and bedding. My family is so happy and grateful to have a place to call home. To have a kitchen to cook my families favorite meals that they have missed having throughout these months has been everything. Forever Thankful, Vanessa Ramirez Arthur Campos & Arthur, Alina, Abel and Mia
  • After being homeless and struggling  to find a stable place to live i reached out to HRC for help they were very kind and put my family in a motel for a little over 10 months. It wasn't easy. dealing w covid and 5 kids stuck in a room all day but thanks to the help from HRC that worked by my side all the time. We finally  got to move into our own 3 bedroom house with a big yard. It's just so amazing how much they have help my family find a stable home.

  • My name is Rachel Hernandez and I have been homeless for three years. I went to an inpatient program and got connected with Housing Resource Center. Since I met Antonio, he seemed determined to help me find housing. I had to finish my program first, then I went to an SLE for a couple of months and when I left the SLE I went back to the same situation I had come from when I went to SSC, I was homeless once more. Antonio helped put me in a motel for three weeks and then met Violet. I had to go to my grandmother’s house after the three weeks and I shared the living room with two other relatives and slept on the floor. Violet was good about helping me find places to apply for and was really on top of things by helping me fill out applications and keeping me updated. I reached out to Antonio because I felt really overwhelmed by being so crowded at my grandmothers, I felt like I could not last that much longer. Antonio was able to get two more weeks approved at the motel. Violet reached out to me letting me know that there was a possible house we could look at and by the end of those two weeks at the motel, I got the news of a meeting with the landlord for an apartment. Violet and I had the meeting, and we were told the apartment was mine and that I could move in the next day. I truly am grateful for Violet Orozco, Antonio Cardona, and the Housing Resource Center. I now have a two-bedroom apartment of my own for me and my 7-year-old son. I truly have been blessed. Thank you.

  • My name is Jeffrey Nixon and I wish to thank you, and all those concerned, for being such a wonderful help in placing me within an apartment at Plaza Grande, Salinas, CA. I feel so at home here, and it is such a treat to be treated so well. I have spent several years battling my alcohol problems, and have met with great success with the folks at Sun Street Centers in Salinas, as well as King City. Added to that was the assistance received from Antonio Cardona and Violet Orozco in placing me in this fine, new home. You have been a tremendous help to me at a most difficult time, and I will be forever grateful.

  • I’m Alyvia and I’m a single mom of 3 boys who struggled with finding permanent housing for a long time while fleeing from domestic violence. While I searched for permanent housing I was helped by the housing resource center to stabilize my family in a hotel for the time being. They have helped me create a budget plan and also helped me apply for places at no cost to me. I’ve had a tough road and am so grateful I was able to find a place! Since I’ve had my place HRC is still working with my to help me budget and get back on my feet. They even helped me with furniture and kitchen supplies! I’m so grateful to Juanita and Violet for their hard work and dedication to help my family.
  • I  just wanted to say how much of a blessing HRC has been for me. I have been through so much in my life the past five years after I divorced my ex husband I began a new journey I moved in with my parents trying to figure who I was. I then got pregnant again and was in a extremely unstable situation. My parents kicked me out and then I left the relationship and I was stuck in a rut. I was lucky to have a few friends that allowed me to stay and hotels. When I reached out to my worker in social services he had referred me to HRC and from there I met Vanessa and Eliza. I am so grateful for them they new I was determined. They were able to get me signed up for the emergency section 8 and within a few month’s I had my voucher in my hand at this point I felt I had the world in my hands. It was just one day after  next thing I new I was moving into a beautiful 3 bed house with a garden and a ocean view witch I manifest on. I just couldn’t believe how lucky I was and  grateful  I became. The owner of the home felt my story and Vanessa Eliza had my back as advocates. My boys love their home and is very grateful as well. HRC made sure I had beds and bedding and helped with rent and deposit. When I come across women in my past situation I refer then to HRC program and express to them how I was helped. Thank you Vanessa and Eliza for not giving up and seeing my determination "
    Jennifer Bell 
  • Hi my name is David Lopez. l want to say that l am very grateful to the Housing Resource Center. By giving me the opportunity of having a place to live and the [ability] to look at life differently, everything is looking good in my life and is going back in place. [I'm] hoping to be up and going by June 2021 and working. What I love best is driving and being the person that I am now changes my future. The 11 months that I've been attending Sunstreet Recovery Center [has] made me truly believe it can be done by me giving my 100 percent to recovery and move on as a positive person.So by this being said, l thank you to this program. There's hope and dreams that come true in recovery and having a place where we call home. Once again, thank you Housing Resources.
  • I’ve been a single mother since the start, my daughter is now 6 & I’m 24 years old. I started off working for a school district when I was about 22 years old; they placed me at my daughter’s school to work at. It was the most convenient for me at the time because she would start school & I would start work. I had rented form my grandparents for about two years already paying them rent every month & in charge of the water bill. My rent was raised by the end of 2019 and I could barely afford it. My whole check would go to my bills. I didn’t have any extra to spend on my daughter or necessities. Little did I know our lives were about to get worse. By January 2020, I was asked to pack my things & find somewhere else to stay. My own grandparents didn’t even give me time to pay what I owed them; they honestly just wanted me out cause I couldn’t afford their raised rent. I stared off staying with other family at first, then friends. I then lost my job due to Covid-19; my daughter was no longer in school either. We were just moving every day, showering at different houses trying not to be a burden to anyone at this point. I then had no choice but to sleep in my car & have my daughter sleep inside with my family on the couch while I parked outside to sleep. There was no room for me anywhere I felt worthless & I felt less of a mother by letting it get to this point. This went on for a couple months until I was contacted by HRC. I had been contacted by other programs that claimed would help me with my homelessness but never kept their word so I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I listened to everything HRC wanted me to do they got me into a hotel and I couldn’t have been any happier to finally sleep in a bed with my daughter next to me after so many months. I was searching every week for a home I had no luck, until Nathalie told me to come look at a place with her. I didn’t hesitate and I met her there, and looked at the place. In my head I never thought I would have been approved. Once she told me I was, I still couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t until I got the keys that I finally realized I have a home to call my own. I cried tears of joy that night sleeping on just a mattress but safe in my new home with my daughter. I’ve never felt so accomplished in my life. I have HRC to be thankful for cause without them I wouldn’t be where I’m at today. They’ve blessed me in the best way possible and I couldn’t be any happier then I am today.
  • My name is Rebekah. I've been in the service industry for over 25 yrs. I'm a single 44 year old mother with three kids, one (a 16 year old son) still at home. I've raised my children working in the service industry..waiting tables, catering,  hairdresser, nail technician, etc. Before covid I was working at the Monterey Plaza Hotel in the restaurant as a waitress/bartender. I lost my job due to covid. I'm not sure if people realize how covid has affected this area and the service industry specifically. We are a huge tourist destination and a lot of us raise our families here in this industry.  Chefs, servers, busses, restaurant managers, housekeepers, the list goes on and on. It's been beyond stressful to not know what the future holds for me and my family.  I've recently been able to get a job at Costco. Working at 4am stocking. The pay is much lower but I'm happy to have a job. 

    With my stress level at a ten I reached out to 211 to see if there were any options for me, this is where I was given the information about the Housing Resource Center . From day one Matilda and Alexa were beyond kind! Always there to answer my emails and always with kind and helpful words. Never once did they make me feel bad, or as though they were doing me a favor. They made it easier to ask for help and not feel embarrassed. I'm not sure how the HRCMC receives their funding but I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I'm so very grateful that our community has people and programs like this in place. Especially for times like these!  Thank you,  thank you,  thank you!!!!! 

    Sincere and warm regards,

    Rebekah Keller 

  • My landlord and I are so very thankful for the opportunity to participate in the rental assistance program. The process was swift and Alexa at HRC went the extra mile and was very helpful in explaining everything we needed to do. I suffered a job loss in March due to Covid and the rental assistance was a blessing so that my daughter and I could remain in our rental home. My landlord was very appreciative of the program as well. Thanks Alexa and HRC!! Happy Holidays!

    Thank You,

    Kasey Silva

  • This is a very bittersweet moment for me as I write this letter because it’s like saying goodbye to a very good old friend, and not knowing when or if you’ll see them again. Thank you so much for not giving up on me and my family. We have been through so much but no matter what we went through, you was always there for us, even though at times we may look like we wouldn’t make it. HRC stood by us to where now I can say, my oldest daughter was able to graduate and move into the world as a young lady. Even though my personal life is not where I would like it, the most important thing is that my kinds is where they need to be and that’s under a loving house. Please keep on with the fight ya’ll are doing by helping out those who really want the help and don’t mind doing the right work…
  • The Housing Resource Center (HRC) has been the biggest help and resource for my family and I.  In a time of need when I was homeless staying in my car and shelter they reached out to me. They’ve helped my family and I search for a home and also were able to help with getting us in. That’s just one small bit of what they’ve done for my family and I . Helping us get back on our feet and always there for us every step of the way. I appreciate all the help they’ve given and will proudly say the HRC has gotten my family and I in an amazing apartment that we now call home. Thank you so much to all the staff from HRC.
  • Matilde was the first person whom made contact with me over the phone! She was like a breath of fresh air and was just kind from the moment she asked to speak with me!  I have had an extremely rough few years and yes some were because I had made some poor choices and some because life happened!  She started asking me questions about me and then about my living situation!  To be honest, I never had any expectations of being helped... I really thought HRC was going to be another referral service!  I had no expectations at all good or bad.  Lorilynn Mojica my CALWORKS worker had started working with me months before while I was waiting for my unemployment!  She started the process and was extremely kind just listening to me at times when I had to vent!  I had a cancer scare years ago and thought the worst and then have had continuing health issues I’m still dealing with.  So when Eliza contacted me literally 2 days later I was in total shock!  Then Vanessa called me the following week to start my paperwork!  Eliza was like this fairy godmother who already had an apartment in mind and had me come out that Saturday to look at it and ended up signing the lease the week after and now here we are in our humble home!  It was unbelievable!  I felt like I was in a dream!  To be homeless one moment and then in a home the next! I can’t tell you what it’s like to be constantly disappointed because I’m not at the below poverty level just so I can get assistance for my family and I.  But we are at the cusp of it!  As I continue my journey of getting healthy I have had a back procedure on September 23rd and another one coming up this Wednesday, October 28th! We still live pay check to pay check and looking for better employment and wanting so badly to be self-sufficient again!  I have not given up but the day Matilda called me was grace... I had become completely hopeless and was doing my best to not show it to my friends or family! She was this angel that knew exactly what to say with no judgment... she did not know me...but she showed me kindness through the phone that I’m just so grateful for! My hope is that this handout that my family and I are receiving will be a hand up for us to keep moving forward and the investment that many have made in us...my great hope is to pay it forward! Thank you LoriLynn, Eliza, Vanessa, HRC, and Matilde! Thank you for giving me my family and I a new start!
  • I would really like to do this for you I will write a paragraph story of my feelings and situation when I was homeless. I feel very comfortable to do this because HRC program was there for me when I was homeless Juanita from the HRC program helped me and a man by the name of Daniel they helped me be positive and shown me what the program was really about... preventing homeless. I'm so thankful to this program I got to learn how to use a computer there to go online to search for places they gave me a searching log for and every day I would be looking around for places it was really a waiting period, but it was worth it to my knowledge. I think this program is the best one in Salinas. It shows how you are of caring for people like us that are in need, especially during this time with the Covid pandemic. I really appreciate it and I thank you Alexa!
  • In late December 2017, my five year old son and I became homeless for the first time. I was attending Monterey Peninsula College on track to graduate that June with my associates degree in Human Services and I was working part time on campus as well. It was so convenient that my son was enrolled in an amazing preschool that was located on the same campus as my school and work. However being that I’m a single mom, with family that has struggles of their own, lives far away, and who provide little to no help, I was quite literally on my own. We lived in my car while I finished school, and while I was trying to figure out how I could get us by day to day. Thankfully, a friend told me about Dorthies Place and HRC and I immediately reached out to them. While I was in the process of getting a Homeless Set Aside Voucher from Dorthies Place, I graduated with my AA and a few weeks after that, I moved in to a two bedroom apartment. HRC helped me so much by paying for the deposit and housing goods such as blankets, pillows, washcloths, and towels.

    While I was homeless, I cried a lot while my son was asleep because I honestly thought it was going to be impossible for me to get out of that situation alone. It’s only because of the help from HRC and Dorthy’s Place, that I now have a home to raise my son in, and we are beyond grateful for the support and encouragement we had along the way. Thank you!

    Sierra Wilder
  • Our family decided to relocate to California from New Mexico in May of 2018. We had worked hard to save up what we could and packed our vehicle with what little we had to head out for a new start. Once we got to California, the challenges began. We began living in hotels and working daily while also transferring all of our information to this state. At this peak time in the produce season there were no vacancies within apartments or extended stay hotels that we could find. As the weeks went by our savings was being drained from having to pay for hotels and managing to fix meals without a kitchen accessible to us. During the month of June, my husband was released from his job due to a slow part of the season and no hours being available. This was when we began to lose hope in our situation. We couldn’t just pack up and leave back to New Mexico. Our vehicle was not in the best condition, no jobs meant not having income and our savings was going even faster than before. We began seeking a way to stay in our vehicle and family aided us where they could. Shelters were not an option for us due to our son’s disabilities and PTSD. We were directed to apply for Cal-Works and this is where our case worker Alice Garcia breathed hope into our situation. She encouraged us through the resources available through Monterey County.

    One of the programs we were referred to was with the Housing Resource Center in Salinas. There we met with case workers who would assist us in finding the stability we desperately needed. Through working and completing our housing searches, we were able to find a home for our family and get the support financially that we needed to get us going. This program helped us in many ways, allowing us to choose where we wanted to live and what we felt would be within our budgets. We were only limited by the efforts we put into the program with our searches and contacts with property managers we would meet with. The process itself took us about 4 weeks but we were stayed vigilant and hopeful that a home would come to us soon. We found the key to our success through the program was in explaining the program’s services to the property managers in detail and only after meeting with them face to face. On August 24, 2018 our family signed the lease to an apartment and what became the launching point to stability and independence back into our lives. The moment that we showed the keys to our son, he burst into tears of joy and it was then we knew how much this whole experience had changed us. We are forever thankful for the people who aided us along the way, our angels, and the impact they made on our lives. To the donors, the County, and all those who have a hand in this process, we say Thank You! You have blessed our lives so that we can continue on in a positive pathway.

    God Bless, The Ruiz Family
  • Life is full of struggles being a single mother. No imagine being a single mother of two and battling with cancer. I first became homeless because a man, my landlord whom I rented a room from drinking buddy, tried to abuse my daughter. Along with the stress of becoming homeless having two kids came feeling sick, nauseous,overwhelm,and felt like giving up. The unending self battle to not lose hope and faith felt unmanageable,as my life spiraled into a deeper hole of depression. Shortly after being admitted into the e.r I got diagnosed with stomach cancer at stage 4. During my stay there, a social worker from paliative care Megg told me about H.R and said she could refer me if I'd like. Megg lead me to the one phone call that would change my life for good. After answering a few simple questions and following a few steps I was placed in a motel. A warm place to rest my head and heal. A place safe place for my kids to sleep and feel safe. I began to feel hopeful and grateful again.I saw I wasn't alone anymore. We never have to struggle alone. We now live in a 3 bedroom home. My daughter's grades began to improve. The smile on her face is more visible than before. She has a positive attitude. My son on the other hand has stop being whiney. He speaks what he needs rather than crying for it. He calls this the big house. The blessing of reaching out for help when you need it is full of blessings and does make a difference. Thanks to the coordinators , the staff and counselors of Housing Resources my children now have a place to keep warm at night . A place to feel safe. And a place to call their own.

    Thank you,
    Anna Perez
  • Thank you Juanita, Korina, and the rest of the team at HRC, For making it possible to find housing for my children and I when we were faced with months of homelessness after losing our place. It’s been a long struggle with applying and being denied tenancy due to multiple reasons. This has been very stressful, especially being a single mother of three small children and living on a limited income. Working with Korina and Juanita gave me the courage to keep the search going when I felt like giving up. My hardship was heard and understood. It’s not every day we wake up and ask to lose the rood over our head. With the help of HRC, I was able to be relocated to a move affordable and nice area. Thank you HRC!

    Ashley A.
  • Last September, I was physically unable to work due to an illness that led to me being homeless. When I was seeking assistance, I went to the Department of Social Services to receive cash aid and food stamps to help support my family. I was recommended by my caseworker about HRC and how they assist homeless families. I was on their waiting list for a couple of weeks before I was called to do an initial interview for the HSP program. Due to my medical condition about not being able to work, my caseworker at HRC helped me obtain my voucher. It did not take long after obtaining my voucher to be housed. I am a single father caring for three children and HRC helped me get back on my feet and get my family a permanent house. I appreciate everything that HRC has done for my family and me.

    Martin Castellanos
  • Hello, We are the Martinez-Villalobos family. We would like to thank everyone at HRC for their help in finding the perfect place for us to call home. In September of 2019, we became homeless. But with the help of Vanessa and Zac, it is not November and we are no longer homeless. My Children have a place to sleep and a roof over their heads. For that, we are very thankful and happy to have received help from the HRC. We are not ready for the holidays in our new home! Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!

    Celina Martinez and Family
  • Thank you so much! I am very appreciative for all your help. In my future, when I hope I am financially situated, [I want to] volunteer and help out the families in need. It's a great program HRC & I would love to have a business of my own that can help out the community one day. Thank you to my case manager who kept me motivated to get to where I wanted to be.

    We can't thank you enough!!

    Athena Reyes
  • My name is Monica Martinez. I am 32 years old, born and raised in Salinas, CA. In 2016, I found myself homeless for making bad choices. I was homeless for about 3 ½ years. The worst experience ever. It’s not the life, I slept outside buildings, broke into empty buildings, in cars, friends’ houses, motel rooms, and in tents by the train tracks. It was awful and scary shit.

    Finally after all this time, I got the opportunity to move into a studio and I’ve been blessed with Housing Resource Center. Juanita is an awesome person. She’s caring, and she is on top of her game, meaning she’s a hard working woman. Thanks to you and to your company for helping me, blessing me, caring for me, and being patient with me. I am very excited, happy, grateful, and thankful for all you’ve done.
  • For a long time, I struggled finding a place to call home for my family and I. It was hard, I am a single mother and for a long time, I felt alone and hopeless. Most of the time, it was a choice between a place to stay for sleep or for food to eat. Long nights spent in the car for my family and I. Once I heard of the organization, HRC, I reached out immediately. I was put in contact with a woman named Juanita who was so kind and helpful. My oldest son had found my home online and immediately let Juanita know and she was eager to provide assistance. She helped book all the appointments and it all happened so quickly. I truly believe this was a miracle for my family and I. They provided the first two month’s rent that was truly amazing! We are now happy and blessed to be in our new home. I am extremely grateful to have been given this gift and will never forget. Thank you all,

    Darlene Aviles
  • My name is Maricruz Hernandez, I'm a single mother of 2 boy and 2 girls that range from 5 to 17 years old. I became homeless after an ugly separation from my exhusband. I was super lost. Living from one place to another. My kids were so tired of packing everyday because we didn't know what was our next destination.

    Thankfully one day I was referred out to the Housing Resource center office were I got to meet Espi and Aliza. They made me feel so welcomed and they never judge me. These two lady's are the most understanding people. They guided me all the way through. Helped me to get a house but they also encouraged me to find a job.

    I want to thank Espi and Aliza for helping me out during those very difficult times. Their help has been invaluable to me and I don't know how I would of managed without there help and support.

    Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to me. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my application and looking for houses. Your advice was very helpful and gave me a new perspective on available opportunities.
  • I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the contribution you have made towards my long journey of self-sufficiency. Your agency was the final piece in my story of independence. As you well know, my road to recovery started almost 4 years ago and up until now, I have not known what it’s like to pay my own way. I have been on assistance the last couple of years and in transitional housing with my lease coming up in November. During this time, I CHOOSE to make the next right decision or go down the right path for me and my family every time that fork in the road cam my way. Especially with the help of supportive services like HRC. The right CHOICE was to get my A.S. in Early Childhood Education and Development at Monterey Peninsula College, repair my credit and pay off my debt, become an active productive member in my neighborhood and community, seek full time employment and get off any and all government assistance. It wasn’t easy, but it has been done. A key part of my independence was HRC and with the services HRC offered, it enabled me to focus on my full-time employment, the worry of not paying application costs out of pocket, apply for homes with confidence, and completely repair my credit. As of today, I no longer have any collection actions on my Equifax report and all my accounts I have paid since working with HRC have been deleted. With all your effort, you have helped me find, secure, and pay for my own residence completely and I am independent from this point on. You are an amazing person [Zac] who really gave support not only professionally but compassionately. You were sensitive to my needs and to my wants, helping me recognize what is practical and necessary. I have learned an enormous amount about the housing market and how to be a successful and restpectful tenant. I wish you all the best and erst assured any client who gets you is extremely lucky to have you. We can all go forward know the system can work and has.

    Kindest Regards and Endless Appreciation,

    Thricia L. Whited
  • I remember the day we first became homeless it was just me and my two littles trying to figure our next move. I was working as much as I could while Dad was away and he was supposed to be home in a few days. We had to figure out where we were gonna go and how. Although it took several months we finally found a home.

    Our housing specialist Eliza worked tirelessly to find something for us. She followed up with us regularly and would communicate as often as necessary. Our Case manager was Espie and she helped us so much. She gave us hope. We were so blessed the day Eliza called and said, “I have a lead and you’re gonna love it.” She was right!

    She knew both Dillon and I worked in Monterey. She found this amazing apartment down the road from both places of employment. We were over the moon. We could not wait to move in. Move in day was March 6. As we drove up, Dillon and I were anxious. We could not wait to finally have a place to come home. We met up with our property manager Ana and Espie. As we exited the moving truck and walked in, Dillon and I were gleaming with happiness and anticipation. The moment we walked through that door, we knew this was home. Such a beautiful place with large windows for the sun to come in every morning. The kitchen is petite enough so I can reach several storage areas. Bright with an amazing view of the surrounding scenery. The area is so green and lively. The best part of all, we finally had a place to come home. We didn’t have much but the Housing Resource Center helped us in more ways than one.

    HRC helped my family and I feel normal again. The day we moved in was one of our happiest. We couldn’t have done it without Eliza and Espie. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people who care about their clients and don’t just see a number but they see the good in them. We will forever be grateful to them. Thank you HRC and most of all, thank you Eliza and Espie for giving us a new home.
  • My name is Paul and this is my letter of success! Beginning 4 years ago back in 2016 I have the misfortune of becoming homeless. Every day was a struggle consisting of trials and tribulations. I seen many people around me who had become comfortable mentally and physically lacking guidance and/or direction to getting themselves out of being homeless. Due to poor decision making in my past, I served 4 years behind bars (2010-2015). When my time was up, I was paroled and became homeless. I had no foundation, family support, nor anywhere to plant my feet firmly in a community that I considered home. With no firm support for those closest to me because of my addictive lifestyle and unfortunate chain of events, one of my family members lost their housing, leading me to live in a motor home for about two years. This journey had a few good times, but mainly bad, experiencing poor living conditions, lack of food, facilities, and harassment by local law enforcement. On the top of no consistency and access to life’s daily necessities, it has been hard to find consistent work and I began to become a product of my environment.

    Agony and anguish developed and was always in the back of my mind. I wasn’t standing tall, I had to get back up. I needed a helping hand, I needed solid resources. In 2018, I began street life in a tent and for about two years, the recreational trail was my “home”. During the majority of my homeless span, I have been working with the Homeless Coalition, and occasionally working with gigs. Many long dats and trying nights later, I received the call I have been waiting for regarding the opportunity of housing and resources with Moon Gate Plaza. I continued steadfast and was led to the Housing Resource Center (HRC) who helped seal the deal on my rehabilitation into what is called normal society. The HRC has been a blessing, for without them, I wouldn’t of had the means to afford move in costs and more. The HRC has definitely lended a helping hand, which I appreciate to the fullest. The HRC showed nothing less than understanding and compassion, assisting all whom as less fortunate.

    I now look forward to a brighter future with my feet planted firmly, as I become better equipt with the tools to overcome adversity. Moving forward in the directions of betterment, united we stand and divided we fall!